Nessie Sighting - Web Search Technology Win
The elusive Loch Ness Monster may finally have been sighted ... but not with human eyes. Google Earth and satellite technology combined with an astute observer of an image may have found what scientists, locals, and tourists have been claiming to exist here on this Oblate Spheroid over the centuries.
The earliest on record is from 565 when St. Columbia saved the life of a local who was being attacked by a monster in the river Ness (though some spoilsports insist it was actually a wild boar).
The modern Nessie era began in 1933 when a local paper - the Inverness Courier - reported a sighting by a local a couple, the Spicers. Whilst driving along the loch side between Dores and Inverfarigaig they spotted a large creature crossing the road in front of them. The creature disappeared into the bushes in the direction of the Loch.
This report was taken up by the national press in London and the Nessie ball began to roll.Loch Ness is huge - the largest fresh water body in Britain. It is over twenty two miles in length and over a mile and a half at its widest. Total surface area is approximately 21 square miles. Loch Ness is also deep and goes down almost 800 feet. It has been estimated that the loch is large enough to hold the entire population of the world ten times over. Caption Credit: wyrdology.com - Image Credit: Ciclee
The next year, 1934, the most famous photograph of Nessie was allegedly taken by surgeon R. K. Wilson. This, the "surgeon's photo" has been the focus of intense debate since it was first taken. Over the years several people have "confessed" to being involved in faking the surgeon's photo.
Sightings continue to be reported and every few years an expedition obtains funding to "prove" the truth once and for all. In 2003 a BBC expedition surveyed the entire Loch using sonar. They concluded that no monster exists.
It should be remembered that it is logically impossible to prove that something does not exist - only that it has not been found.
Nessie sightings continue to be reported every year, some backed by photographic evidence. Many of the reports come from tourists who have been enjoying the justly famous Scottish hospitality.
That is, until now!

This excerpted and edited from FOX News -
SUN Online - Wednesday, August 26, 2009
This amazing image on Google Earth could be the elusive proof that the Loch Ness Monster exists.
Sun reader Jason Cooke spotted "Nessie" while browsing the Web site's satellite photos.
The shape seen on the surface of the 22-mile Scottish loch is 65ft long and appears to have an oval body, a tail and four legs or flippers.
Some experts believe Nessie may be a Plesiosaur, an extinct marine reptile with a shape like the Google image.
To see the object, enter co-ordinates Latitude 57°12'52.13"N, Longitude 4°34'14.16"W in Google Earth.
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